Saturday, March 24, 2012

JULES VERNE - Looks into the Future

Many people try to predict the future. Most cannot do it very well. One person who did make many predictions that came true was the French writer, Jules Verne. Verne lived from 1828 to 1905. The airplane wasn't invented yet. Wind still powered ships. But in Verne's books people traveled to the moon in a rocket-powered spaceship and sailed under the ocean in a submarine.

In Verne's day, many houses had only candlelight. But Verne saw a time when light could be made by electricity. He described airplanes and predicted computers, television, movies, and many other mechanical inventions.
But some of Verne's predictions have not come true. Trains still cannot travel at speeds of 1000 miles an hour as he had predicted.

How did Verne get to be such an expert on the future? He said that he learned as much information about the present as he could. He talked about some of his ideas with professors. He read about science and put these ideas into his books. As a result. ideas that seemed new and strange to some of his readers were known to scientists and inventors of his day.

What inventions do you think might appear in the future? A machine that will make you disappear? Cars that will speed down highways with no one in them? Plant farms that will feed the world? Automatic robots that will mine for metal? Space stations where people can live for years? Write down your ideas. Add them to a time capsule.

You can burry time capsule with your predictions in it. Then one day many, many years from now, someone can open up the time capsule and check your predictions. Which predictions will come true? Only time will tell.

These are books which created by Jules Verne.


And there are still many more Jules Verne's books.
These are films which adapted from Jules Verne's books.


Very cool, aren't they? This is Jules Verne's signature.

Thanks for reading this article. Keep dreaming, guys! :)

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